Icarus Chart 2

Here's Icarus, nearing the end of Chart 2. If you peer closely at the top of the knitting, where you can see the cable from my needle, there are the beginnings of the feathers that make up the edge of the shawl.

You'll have to look closely, or use a magnifying glass; I was afraid to pull the knitting taut enough to really show the detail. The last time I put photographic excellence ahead of knitting, I spent about an hour ripping and putting stitches back on to the needle.

I'm still loving the colors, and the response to the yarn. I was knitting while wiating to go in to a doctor's appointment, and a woman walked up to me and exclaimed "what beautiful yarn!" Yup, I made it myself. Koolaid dyed, very easy to do, color fast. Yes, she agreed, while she hadn't done any yarn dying, she knew from trying to get Koolaid stains out of her kids' clothes that it is very colorfast indeed.

If one was counting, one might note that after the last two rows of Chart 2, all that will be left to do are charts 3 and 4. And because one is resisting the temptation to make this competitive, there has been an effort to avoid counting said rows. However, eyeballing it, I'd say I have about 35 rows or so to go. Yeah!


Am in the process of joining the Icarus KAL. I really like the colors you've used in the hand dyed wool. Those bright, vivid colors will really light up a grey winter day.

I read back thru your blog a bit. I'm a fellow HP fan, btw. Read about your resolution to read more. You might want to see if Knit the Classics is a community that you'd like to get involved with. Monthly discussion on and projects inspired by a different literary work each month. There's no obligation, though. You can skip books, or choose not to do a project. Some people just lurk. There's a link on my blog if you are interested.