
There was a huge thunder storm last night, about 3 or 4 a.m. Lots of rain, lightening, and big crashing thunder.

Several years ago, a tree down the street was hit by lightening in the middle of the night. If you've never heard this happen, it makes an incredible crack, sort of like thunder but much, much louder and sharper. I thought that I'd hear that last night, again. But it was okay, just lots of loud bangs close to the lightening, and trees waving around in the wind.

I went into my daughter's room to close her windows and saw a shape lying on the bed. It was a little disconcerting to find a body where you expect an empty bed. In my middle-of-the-night sleepishness, I'd forgotten that she surprised us by coming home on the overnight bus yesterday.

This morning the air is cool. There are drops of rain clinging to the trees and leaves. The sky is a sheet of grey. It is supposed to rain again later today.

And the picture of the squirrel? I had meant to have a blog that did not have cute animal pictures. And that's been hard to resist, because I have a beautiful dog and cat. But this crazy squirrel was standing right where I wanted to take a picture, with his head cocked to one side and his paw held akimbo. He stood there for, oh, at least two or three minutes, while I took several pictures of him. I finally had to shoo him away.
