
We had dinner last night with cousins who I have not seen in at least 25 years.

And it was really nice.

She came out to Pittsburgh and lived with us for a while when I was a little kid. I still remember a guy that she dated, who rode a motorcycle, took me for a ride around the block (my one and only ride ever), and would hold me up to the ceiling so that I could touch it with my hand.

Turns out that this was a friend of my father's. Who knew?

It's rare for us to spend time with relatives. Almost everyone we are related to live about three states away.

But the older I get, the more I appreciate the history, comfort, and absurdity of having a family.


FairyGodKnitter said…
This makes me think of all the times I turned down rides on my former Uncle's motorcycle. I still haven't rode one and probably never will. I have two wonderful cousins that are close in age to me and my sister. They were two states away but we still had enough time together growing up that when I see or talk to them, I feel like the years melt away and that bond is even stronger.

I replied to your message on the Icarus board about grabbing the button. If you would like me to walk you through it, e-mail me ( I'll give you my phone number. I had to "borrow" a friends husband to help me because I couldn't get it at first.