Flower Poll
Here's where progress stands at this point:

Two large flowers in background, small flower in front.
Two very large flowers. But nicely fuzzy, due to the mohair in the Lamb's Pride worsted and Malabrigo in my stash. And good symmetry: not too exact, but not too lopsided. Good color interest, because I combined a strand of the variegated Malabrigo with the pale pink Lamb's Pride.

Small flower posing on purse.
One smaller flower. Knit entirely with a pale pink Cascade 220 and a center bobble of maroon Lamb's Pride. A better size, but maybe still not small enough? And not as lush or fuzzy as the first flowers. A bit off center, as though it was blown sideways in a rainstorm. But more in scale with the purse. Color a bit blah. The original Noni pattern calls for knitting a strand of the pink Cascade with mohair, but I had no mohair in the stash. And even though it's smaller, I wanted to put a few flowers on the purse, kind of clustered together, and this size seems still too big to do more than one flower?
This part of completing the purse is starting to drag on too long. Who thought felted flowers, where gauge doesn't matter and you throw them in the washing machine and stand back until they are thick enough and the right size, would be so detail-oriented? And I am not a detail-oriented person.
Perfectionism and felting are not a good combination.

Two large flowers in background, small flower in front.
Two very large flowers. But nicely fuzzy, due to the mohair in the Lamb's Pride worsted and Malabrigo in my stash. And good symmetry: not too exact, but not too lopsided. Good color interest, because I combined a strand of the variegated Malabrigo with the pale pink Lamb's Pride.

Small flower posing on purse.
One smaller flower. Knit entirely with a pale pink Cascade 220 and a center bobble of maroon Lamb's Pride. A better size, but maybe still not small enough? And not as lush or fuzzy as the first flowers. A bit off center, as though it was blown sideways in a rainstorm. But more in scale with the purse. Color a bit blah. The original Noni pattern calls for knitting a strand of the pink Cascade with mohair, but I had no mohair in the stash. And even though it's smaller, I wanted to put a few flowers on the purse, kind of clustered together, and this size seems still too big to do more than one flower?
This part of completing the purse is starting to drag on too long. Who thought felted flowers, where gauge doesn't matter and you throw them in the washing machine and stand back until they are thick enough and the right size, would be so detail-oriented? And I am not a detail-oriented person.
Perfectionism and felting are not a good combination.