I love felting

I've been looking for a purse to knit, and this called my name when I saw the pattern at the yarn shop. Fun colors, not too big or too little, and a chance to play with learning to felt flowers.
I went home without the pattern, but then kept thinking that it seemed just right. That's how I knew I'd made a good choice. Just like I tell my customers, if you go home and think about something that you didn't buy, you know that it's something that you will love. So I went back about a week ago, bought the pattern and some Cascade 220 in a heathery green and a chocolate brown. And the amazing lime-green handles I showed in an entry that weekend.
Fall is a good time to make something wool. This works up really fast. And you can knit it while you watch t.v., even the 2-hour premiere of "The Batchelor, in Rome." Yes, I admit that I watched it. I declared my wish to watch something mindless and that I didn't want to get any grief about it, and this show definitely answered the call. My favorite part: clip after clip of a 20ish-aged woman claiming that it's every young girl's dream to be a princess someday. Hmm, not the young women I know.
I'm hoping to finish this and then use it as my first project for Knit the Classics. Each month the group reads a book and then make something fiberish inspired by the reading. This month's book was The Time-traveler's Wife. Just what I was looking for: something long, well-written, and comforting. I'm thinking that my triangle baguette might be the sort of bag that Clare, an artist and a paper-maker and sculptor, would carry around Chicago. Next month is Gulliver's Travels. Last read by me in graduate school. I was thinking of knitting a tiny pair of trousers and shirt for the Lilliputians. If enough of us have the same thought, maybe we could outfit a corps of tiny people.