Did you Vote Today?

Did you vote today? I did, with only ten minutes to go before the polling place closed.

Given the horrendous traffic that I fought to and from work (1 hour and 15 minutes there, about the same on the way home, even though my very wonderful managers took dinner early so I could book out of there at 5 p.m.), I decided to ride my bike over to the polling place, rather than sit in more lines of traffic, waiting for the train tracks to clear so that I could get to the other side. I came home, changed into my favorite running pants, grabbed my bike, and rode over.

Very dark, and no light on my bike. Me in black pants and a black down jacket. Still, very nice to be on my bike, riding through the cool evening, on my way to doing my civic duty.

If you didn't vote because you thought that you didn't have the time today, or you're not registered where you're living, or you decided that your one vote wouldn't matter, promise that you'll do things differently for the next election.

And because we are all only four years old at heart, the voting commission even gives you a sticker that says "I Voted Today" when you've cast your ballot.
