Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers
Best book on knitting flowers: Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers.
Best flower in the book: the Sunflower.
Best part of the way the book is put together: its size and the clarity of the typeface.
The page is more square than rectangular; the book itself is small enough that you tote it in a knitting bag or lay it beside you on the couch as you knit. And you can see the instructions from further than four inches away. The main headings are in capital letters and boldface; the instructions continue in capital letters but a slightly smaller typeface. Clear, easy to read, easy to follow. White letters against a multitude of beautifully colored page backgrounds that accent the sumptuously-photographed flowers. Think Martha Stewart Living meets knitted flowers.
As I write, I have the Five Star Flower as well as several leaves and a rose from the Wooly Embellishments pattern (from Two Old Bags) swooshing in the wash machine. The Cascade 220 seems to take forever to felt. And the leaves? I was too lazy to weave in all of those ends.
Pictures later.
Best flower in the book: the Sunflower.
Best part of the way the book is put together: its size and the clarity of the typeface.
The page is more square than rectangular; the book itself is small enough that you tote it in a knitting bag or lay it beside you on the couch as you knit. And you can see the instructions from further than four inches away. The main headings are in capital letters and boldface; the instructions continue in capital letters but a slightly smaller typeface. Clear, easy to read, easy to follow. White letters against a multitude of beautifully colored page backgrounds that accent the sumptuously-photographed flowers. Think Martha Stewart Living meets knitted flowers.
As I write, I have the Five Star Flower as well as several leaves and a rose from the Wooly Embellishments pattern (from Two Old Bags) swooshing in the wash machine. The Cascade 220 seems to take forever to felt. And the leaves? I was too lazy to weave in all of those ends.
Pictures later.