Sleeping it Off
Here's what I did so far today:
Knitted and listened to the radio.
Ate lunch.
Knitted and listened to the radio.
Made dinner.
I find that the best remedy to not feeling well is to sleep it off. Like some of my most favorite people, I seem to have two speeds: constantly moving or asleep.
My yoga teacher commented yesterday that we behave in almost direct contradiction to the season at this time of year. It's a time for hibernating, slowing down, resting. Instead, we are rushing about like lemmings unsure of where to find the next cliff. Well, I added that last part; I'm sure that she didn't mention lemmings.
What I did achieve today: finished a project!

It's truly a relief to have completed something. You can say all that you want about process over product. But one of the particular satisfactions of making something is seeing it in a finished state. So much of what we do is incomplete. No matter how long you are around, there are always so many loose ends, so many starts that wander off on their own and have a destiny that you don't see. A book, a cake, a shawl: sometimes you just need to be able to say, Done.

Here are some dusk-time, not-enough-light-to-see-the-lace-in-all-its'-glory shots. One, as you will note, even has a dog peeking around the corner of the shawl. I've resisted the pet shot until now, but since there's no red eye and she is the Best Dog, I'm allowing this indulgence this one time only.
Knitted and listened to the radio.
Ate lunch.
Knitted and listened to the radio.
Made dinner.
I find that the best remedy to not feeling well is to sleep it off. Like some of my most favorite people, I seem to have two speeds: constantly moving or asleep.
My yoga teacher commented yesterday that we behave in almost direct contradiction to the season at this time of year. It's a time for hibernating, slowing down, resting. Instead, we are rushing about like lemmings unsure of where to find the next cliff. Well, I added that last part; I'm sure that she didn't mention lemmings.
What I did achieve today: finished a project!

It's truly a relief to have completed something. You can say all that you want about process over product. But one of the particular satisfactions of making something is seeing it in a finished state. So much of what we do is incomplete. No matter how long you are around, there are always so many loose ends, so many starts that wander off on their own and have a destiny that you don't see. A book, a cake, a shawl: sometimes you just need to be able to say, Done.

Here are some dusk-time, not-enough-light-to-see-the-lace-in-all-its'-glory shots. One, as you will note, even has a dog peeking around the corner of the shawl. I've resisted the pet shot until now, but since there's no red eye and she is the Best Dog, I'm allowing this indulgence this one time only.

And dogs can't knit?
- Hannah
If there's a truly great picture of a person's daughter, with an amazing snake, on someone else's blog, is it inapprorpiate of one's mother to link said mother's blog to the picture on someone else's blog?