Always the Last to the Party

I'm in retail. You would think I'd know how to track down a sale. But no, I have no gene for markdowns.

Thus, I am the only knitter in America to miss the Knit Happens sale. The prices, the yarn, the colors. Did I mention the prices? Amazing, high-end fiber at half the price. All, all sold out. How sad. Apparently I am not destined to save a bit on the yarn habit.

Vairagyam, in Sanskrit, means letting go, detachment from the outcome. And I have that about sales, for the most part, or at least about sales on clothing. But yarn? It's an indulgence, a temptation, a solace, and finding a beautiful knitting yarn on sale feels like a coup.

So, if you ever come across a good sale on silk-alpaca in a DK weight, clue me in. My favorite yarn for shawls. Especially in blue.


FairyGodKnitter said…
I scored 3 bags of Nature Wool from that sale. I still don't know what to make with them but the price was too hard to resist. As to the DK silk wool, Webs has their house brand on sale:

I'm not sure if it's any good but their are a lot of colors.
FairyGodKnitter said…
Oops, that should read:
there are a lot of colors.
TK said…
I missed it, too. I just don't troll the yarn stores like I could. Take solace that you're not the only one.