The Next Square

Seamed up, two down. Halfway done but pausing to figure out the other half: one orange-red-purple combination and one beige-red-purple combination. Oh, and another one and a quarter, where I've sewed (sewn?) each half, but didn't notice that I had the pink and brown squares butting up against one another and, rather than rip, decided to knit two more halves. Right, so, as Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia preceded every answer to Terry Gross' questions on his Fresh Air interview, this must be the Next square.

Inspiration comes from many places. I, here again, am following Cara's lead in pulling the four colors that will be partnered in this square. And when I took a quick photograph, I noticed that the blue is almost the same blue as on the cover of this week's Chicago Tribune TV guide. Hmm.

And if you've gotten this far, gratuitous pet pictures. Belle and Guido, El Carne Magnifico. (Named by a colleague from graduate school, when my younger daughter was young.) The one with the dirty nose is Belle. She spent the night, by her own choice, more or less, in the basement. I'm wondering what she was investigating. Probably best not to know.


Anonymous said…
He's still pretty magnifico, twenty years later.
FairyGodKnitter said…
Sweet dirty nosed creature! keep those mitered squares coming.
Janet said…
Yup, and the years don't show at all.