Tell me something good
Sometimes my daughter does this on her blog, and it's good to read all the good things people offer up. She gets a zillion responses, but my readers are much more lurkers than commenters. So here's mine: scotch and water while watching Beetlejuice.
Michael Keaton channeling Tom Waits, the guy with the extremely pin-sized teeny-tiny head in the waiting room to the afterlife, an unrecognizable thin and young Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, the dinner party doing a possessed Calypso to Harry Belafonte. Well, that's more than one, but it's been that kind of week.
Michael Keaton channeling Tom Waits, the guy with the extremely pin-sized teeny-tiny head in the waiting room to the afterlife, an unrecognizable thin and young Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, the dinner party doing a possessed Calypso to Harry Belafonte. Well, that's more than one, but it's been that kind of week.
In my dreams.
14 year old son curled up in a chair reading The Children's Book of Myths. He asks who gave him this wonderful book, fully expecting to hear it was me but is not really surprised to learn it was Dad's choice.
Oh, and the lovely Joan sent me.