Minimalist Cardigan Do-over
Here's where I am: two fronts and a back that need to be ripped back to 13 1/2 inches and then continued with redoing the armholes and necklines. One unusable sleeve, completed, unless I decide to throw all details out the window and put a seed stitch (that's 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches) sleeve onto a moss stitch garment (1 knit alternating with 1 purl). I didn't notice as I was knitting it, and somehow it felt different, easier to work, but I didn't cotton on to the mistake until the sleeve was finished.
Theraputic ripping did take place. I planted one (stockinged) foot onto the sweater piece and wound the yarn as I watched a bit of a soap opera. Then I retreated to my bedroom to listen to something on my Ipod as I reworked the right front. About two hours later, I have an almost armhole. I probably need to show some restraint, as this is the project that led to too-weak-wrist-to-hold-coffeepot syndrome back during the winter.
Another do-over started last night. I've finally figured out that the Handmaiden Lady Godiva wants to be Ilga Leja's Antique Lace: