Dear Computer

Dear Computer:

Please stop tempting me to read every entry in the Vivian Knitalong on Ravelry. This will not get the sweater knitted. Nor will reading through each of the 77 entries on this sweater nor surfing the Internet for random postings.

It's time to choose a sleeve size and get on with it. (Which means I only have to rip a sleeve beginning one more time - which will make a total of three, including the two sleeves started on double points and now the latest sleeve worked flat - much much better - but worked for the size 40 instead of 34 specs and it is looking very big. And I did learn from Ravelry that Ysolda Teague, the designer, says that the fabric will stretch about an inch, so I'm hoping that the sleeve size that goes with my body size will work.)

Please also remind me that I knit because I enjoy it.

Thank you.


PS It's snowy and cold and dark. I must venture out to teach yoga, but when I come home, back to the sofa and reading a book.

Thank you.
