Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

Boston Cream Pie cupcakes, from Martha Stewart's Cupcakes.
(You can download some of the recipes from the book at this link.),

In our family, one of the traditions is to choose your birthday cake. These were my husband's choice. In past years, I've made a traditional-sized Boston Cream Pie from the Betty Crocker cookbook. These are much better. The cake is just the right amount of vanilla and pound cake-ishness, and much to my surprise, we (meaning my daughter, whose beautiful hands are icing the cupcakes in the above photo) were able to slice them in half without the cake falling apart.

The center is a vanilla pastry cream, and instead of the chcocolate ganache glaze from the cookbook, I did the old standby of a butter cream icing.

The recipe makes enough to fill one cupcake tin, plus enough left over to make an entire small cake. So now we have tiny Boston Cream Pies to finish, and then enough pastry cream and icing to make another cake. Phew. How to resist? 
